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Club Sunday Racing

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Sailors of all abilities are welcome to race on a Sunday. It may sound a little daunting to "race", but there are plenty of people who will gladly help you understand a bit more about racing.

The races are split into short series, spanning several weeks and generally Sunday Racing starts from 11am and consists of 3 back to back races - all finished before lunch. Each series has a qualifying number of races (around 50% of total series races) to get a series prize, but you are welcome to sail in as many or as few races in a series as you can fit in.

All sailors sail the same course at the same time, irrespective of the type of boat they sail, but their overall position in the race is determined by correcting their elapsed time (by a rating number) to factor in that different boats sail at different speeds. The theory is that two different well sailed boats will draw.....

On some Sundays there is also a pursuit race in the afternoon - to find out more about the pursuit race format click on the relevant link below

We also have a number of "One Off" Regattas - these are generally 4 races, 2 in the morning, and 2 in the afternoon and then followed by the Regatta prize giving

Links to all the different race series can be found At the bottom of the page

Other things to know about racing:

Current Results

Pursuit Races

Hints and Tips for Novice racers:


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