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What Sort of Boat Can I Sail?

Most members choose to sail one of the established club classes. These include the Solo and Laser single-handed boats, the Enterprise, Wayfarer two-handed boats. We also have a developing asymmetric sailing, based mainly on the RS Feva, Laser 2000. However you can sail boats of other classes and race in the handicap series, there are some restrictions so please talk to us. If you are unsure of how to start or which boat might best suit you, talk to one of the Committee or choose one of the class web pages from the Classes menu on the left where you can find out more about each of the boats.

We are able hire out dinghies for a small fee, the club owns Optibats(Optimists), RS Tera's, Toppers, Laser 1, Laser Pico, Wayfarer, Kestrels, RS Feva's and RS Vison's. These craft are available when the club is manned by a committee member - Sundays except February and Wednesday and Friday evenings in the summer months - see the calendar for exact dates.

When Can I Sail?

The club is manned on Sundays throughout the year (apart from February). A safety boat is manned on these days and club boats are available for hire. Use of the water at other times (with some restrictions) is permitted with and advisory that there be two manned craft on the water.

When do We Race?

We race throughout the year on Sundays The Club runs a number of series with the aim of maximising participation..

A few days each year are set aside for 'Open Meetings', where sailors from other clubs are invited to compete. Over the years, GMSC members have achieved success at all levels of sailing and our Honour-roll boasts Class and National Champions. However, everyone has to start somewhere so do not be put off if you don't want to race or don't feel that you have enough skill.

What Social Activities are there?

For many, the social life is a vital ingredient of club membership. Our social committee organises a variety of events throughout the year. Typically we run supper evenings, Camp and Sail weekends, talks evenings, quiz nights.

How do I Contribute to the Running of the Club?

To keep running costs down, members share the duties of running the club, Sundays and Bank Holidays. We organise this on a rota basis using the website. Typically we would expect you to help with a duty twice a year. Each duty lasts a day. Most people enjoy these duties as it's a great way to meet other members.

Can I get Training?

The club really tries to encourage everyone to improve their skills. The club is a RYA Training Centre and provides on-going training for members and formal training courses for members and non-members. The training is provided by RYA qualified instructors who follow an RYA recognised syllabus.

What is there for Youngsters?

Training of young sailors, up to 18, takes place on four training Saturdays. This is based mainly on the single-handed Optibats and Toppers and the two-handed Pico and RS Feva. Over the summer we run a Sunday Club. Help is always available from experienced sailors both on and off the water. The Club is a RYA Volvo Champion club and Guest Coaches and trainers ensure our youngsters get the best possible coaching and many of our junior sailors have achieved success at National level.

What Types of Membership are there?

Most people join as Full members or Family members . This allows you to sail and race at any time and to take part in all the Club activities. We also have a day sailor membership that allows sailing on the lake for a limited number days (Available only when a committee member is on duty). Current membership rates are available on the mebershiop page. We also have group, fishing and social members.

How do I Join?

Firstly you should talk a Club Officer about what type of boat you would like to sail and whether you need space to keep the boat at the Club. You then need to fill in a membership application form. To request a membership form please e-mail the membership secretary.

Is it Expensive?

No! To sail at GMSC all you need is suitable clothing, the club has a number of different types of dinghy available to hire we even hire buoyancy aids Full membership costs around £100 per year. Contrary to what many people assume, dinghy ownership is relatively inexpensive. If you want to own your own dinghy second-hand boats suitable for racing start from around £1000 for a single-handed boat and £1500 for a two-handed boat. Clothing and buoyancy aid cost from around £80, although the buoyancy aid is the only essential piece of kit if you are fair weather sailing. You should also budget for between £60 and £100 per year to cover insurance and wear and tear. For this you could sail 365 days a year,- if you've the stamina!

If you don't want to risk spending money on a boat before you have a chance to find out if you like the sport, talk to one of the club officers. We should be able to arrange for you to hire a boat or to crew for a club member.

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